The Maritime Advocate–Issue 701



1. Insurance Recovery for Business Losses Related to Hurricane Irma
2. Understanding the Jones Act
3. Chans Advice Reaches 200 Editions
4. The Economic Contribution of the UK Maritime Sector
5. Space Art
6. People and Places

FOB Network News

During the rest of 2017 the Publishers are looking to raise some external finance in order to take our efforts to the next level by supporting more marketing and programming people.

Some FOB Groups already have sponsors – for example JLT (P&I), Bloomfield Law (West Africa Maritime), Chalos (Criminalisation). the Publishers are also looking for sponsors for existing Groups for example Hull & Machinery, Salvage, Piracy, Maritime Singapore/Cyprus/Norway, Superyachts, Surveyors and Major Casualty Investigation.

In addition there is plenty of scope for possible new Groups such as War Risks, Multi-Modal Insurance, Energy Insurance and many geographical areas eg Maritime New Zealand/Germany to name but a few.

1. Please join FOB, and

2. Let us know if you would like a quote for sponsoring a Group

1. Insurance Recovery for Business Losses Related to Hurricane Irma

Friends at the firm of Blank Rome have passed us a copy of advice, characteristic of their experience and foresight, on what commercial claimants should do to claim under their insurance for storm damage. There will be plenty of damaged boats and waterfront property to test the insurance industry concerned. Not all the experience gleaned this time will be happy. Read the advice here:-

2. Understanding the Jones Act

Much in the news these days is the Jones Act and the temporary slackening of its requirements in this very distressing hurricane season in the Atlantic. BatesCarey, the firm based in Chicago, has published a piece in Marine Insight entitled Understanding The Jones Act And Its Application To Injured Maritime Workers. In this article Jason P. Minkin and Jonathan A. Cipriani examine the requirements of seaman status under the Jones Act and its application to a worker who sustained injuries after performing a single night watch on board a yacht. Red it here:-

3. Chans Advice Reaches 200 Editions

Richard and Simon Chan whose specialised firm Sun Mobility is one of the valuable parts of the Hong Kong maritime cluster, have published their 200th Edition of Chans Advice. Published every month since 2000 the letter is no mere puff for freight related insurances but instead concentrates on hard legal issues often litigated in the Hong Kong courts. Few organisations in Hong Kong have worked as hard as this firm to spread the word and competence of the maritime and transport decisions of the courts in Hong Kong. We admire the Two Chans and the work they do for the industry and send congratulations to them.

4. The Economic Contribution of the UK Maritime Sector

Charlotte Wood passed us a copy of this report commissioned by Maritime UK which looks at recent history and tries to quantify the contribution the sector makes to the UK’s economy. It comes from the times when people in the UK tended to think of shipping as a sunset industry, put into the shade by marvelous financial sector successors like derivatives, swaps and so forth. That foible has taken a beating since 2008 and the need for argument is perhaps less pressing. This 45 page report can be accessed via the link below. Readers will learn how well the sector has grown over the last 5 years of the survey, how it eclipses our cousins in the aviation sector, how it is distributed around the country and the likely responses which will be called for under Brexit. If we had a criticism we would say the inclusion of intermodal and supply chain operations, so influential in the rising efficiency of shipping is a little fuzzy. Maritime is a lot more than large metal objects floating up and down with the tides and winds.

5. Space Art

Courtesy of the Browser we came across this interesting piece in the Paris Review by Kastalia Medrano which deals with the way Art depicting Space has evolved particularly since we entered the rocket and space exploration eras. As the maritime world has stared at the heavens since the beginning of seafaring we thought this piece was a natural for the Avo. The piece is notable for how well it uses the cyber link to take readers into further images and pieces. This kind of thing is still not done very well or very often as here.

6. People and Places

Jeffrey Blum writes:-

London evening classes for shipping professionals:-

Maritime Education & Training Ltd (METL) is still open for enrolment for the new academic year 2017-2018 in preparation for the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers examinations in May 2018. Evening classes are held at our venue at King’s College, Guy’s Campus, behind London Bridge station from 11th September 2017 until 29th March 2018. Details are available on our website:-


From the Avo Archive

The website of this newsletter contains all the editorial material since the inception of the Maritime Advocate as a print based quarterly in 1997 under the founding aegis of John Guy, Chris Hewer and Manfred Arnold. Readers can go to the site and search the database on the home page in its entirety. If you are looking for an old case, an old controversy or you would just like to see how many times you and your firm have featured in our annals feel free to access the archive. It is like this e-zine, free to Readers and we always appreciate the support of advertisers and sponsors.

Our sweep of the Archive for terms relating to Outer Space included this item in Issue 75 of 30th September 2002. In those days the Avo closed not with a few decent jokes but with a series of one liners and humorous thoughts, meandering towards an exit in good spirits throughout:-


IS there a more annoying modern colloquialism to be found than the current reference to working ’24-7′? (No answer necessary). Of course no good can possibly come of any new phrase formed only of a sequence of numbers, binary or
otherwise. Yet this phrase is currently very popular, particularly with people who are annoyingly IT-oriented, or annoyingly sales-based, or annoyingly young.Thankfully, it has not caught on in law firms, nor is it likely to. Any reference to 43-7, of course, would be plainly ridiculous.


Anniversaries of the Week

Elizabeth Lane was sworn in as Britain’s first female high court judge (1965)

Ferdinand Magellan’s “Vittoria” became the first ship to sail around the world

Ugliest Word of the Week

Extraterritoriality (Insurance Day article)


Longest Interval in a Play Ever

“There is a time lapse of approximately two years between Acts 1 and 2.”
(Programme, “The Real Thing”, Connaught Theatre, Worthing, September 28, 2002)


Best Question-and-Answer Session of the Week

Q: What is the only man-made structure on earth visible from outer space?

A: The Dome

Best Statistic of the Week

15.5 – 12.5 (Ryder Cup)


Most Enigmatic Headline of the Week

Ukraine marches (Lloyd’s List)

Harshest Custodial Sentence Ever for Being a Non-Swimmer

Court Hands Petrakis Seven Years in Jail for Sinking (Tradewinds)


A famous art collector is walking through the city when he notices a mangy cat lapping milk from a saucer in the doorway of a store.

He does a double take, as he notices that the saucer is extremely old and very valuable. He walks casually into the store and offers to buy the cat for two dollars.

The store owner replies, “I’m sorry, but the cat isn’t for sale.”

The collector says, “Please, I need a hungry cat around the house to catch mice. I’ll pay you twenty dollars for that cat.”

And the owner says “Sold,” and hands over the cat.

The collector continues, “Hey, for the twenty bucks I wonder if you could throw in that old saucer. The cat’s used to it and it’ll save me having to get a dish.”

And the owner says, “Sorry buddy, but that’s my lucky saucer. So far this week I’ve sold sixty-eight cats.”

[Paul Dixon]


A man sees another leaning against the wall of a large building. The second man is puffing away, one cigarette after another.

The nonsmoker says, “Sir, I couldn’t help noticing how you chain-smoke. How many packs do you smoke a day?”


“How long have you been smoking?”

“Thirty years.”

“That’s over six thousand packs. Why, if you didn’t smoke, you could have saved enough money to buy this building.”

The smoker takes a deep puff and says, “Do you smoke?”


“Do you own this building?”


“Well, I do.”

[Paul Dixon]