The Maritime Advocate–Issue 850



1. Piled a little too high?
2. Draught technology
3. Electronic bills
4. Safety campaign
5. Greenhouse gas reduction
6. Block exemption decision
7. Safety partnership
8. Supply chain safety
9. Pollution measures
10. Near misses
11. Scrapping statistics
12. Fire fighting
13. Emissions liabilities

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1. Piled a little too high?

By Michael Grey

He intended to pass. Probably, he won’t make that mistake again. We all hope for the best, but it is slightly concerning to consider, in the event of the Houthi attacks on shipping continuing into the southern winter, all these container ships diverting around the Cape of Storms, with their huge, high, deck loads. There was a picture published the other day showing a big far east ship arriving in a European port, deep laden, with boxes eleven high abaft the exhausts. You probably would not take bets against some spectacular stack collapses occurring in an area where exceptional waves are routinely met with. Will the carriers continue to play the percentage game and hope that if a stack collapses, it happens on someone else’s ship? One anticipates that they will.

There was some useful research undertaken by Gard recently on this topic, especially valuable as it represented a good cross section of these incidents, rather than trying to derive lessons from a single casualty, or just a few. The club studied in-depth incidents that occurred to its own entered ships, between 2016 and 2021, and at claims frequencies on a six-year average. There may be some alarm that while the average for feeder ships was found to be 1%, for ultra-large container vessels this rose to 9%.  There again, if one considers the exposure to bad weather of these big ships, their tendency for faster roll periods and the height of the stacks, this statistic is not so surprising.

The Gard researchers also considered the weather for a period of up to six days before a reported incident, which is also useful, demonstrating the cumulative effect of prolonged and worsening weather upon the safety and stability of a container stack. Here it is easy to understand the gradual slackening of lashings as the ship moves in a seaway, and the likely impracticality of expecting a small number of crew members to take their lives in their hands checking and tightening lashings, as the ship moves increasingly violently, in worsening weather. It is also not difficult to imagine the gradually deteriorating situation inside a box where the internal securing arrangements have been inadequate and are being tested to destruction by the ship’s movement, ultimately damaging the container itself and prejudicing the integrity of an individual stack.

But should not the master of a ship be able to avoid the worst of the weather, bearing in mind the sophisticating of modern forecasting and routeing advice? The Gard study notes the phenomenon of different “risk tolerance,” pointing out that while a master might be more than willing to mitigate the possibility of damage by taking a longer and smoother route, the commercial operator may prioritise time and fuel saving, effectively “pushing the limits.” It is not difficult, these days, to imagine which party is calling the shots. The authors also point out that while the theory of bad weather avoidance might seem relatively simple, the practicalities are rather more complex. Similarly, there may be differences in the solutions provided by loading computers to the reality, on account of weight misdeclarations and actual stowage locations.

The club also points to the problem of worn and corroded lashing equipment, which constitutes one of the “top three” issues when containerships are inspected by surveyors. One wonders whether there should be tighter or more stringent routeing criteria when “worn” ships are being operated, as there seems little indication that those stowing cargo will avoid using slots where there are corroded sockets and lashing eyes. Custom and practice in commercial shipping seems to take little account of either external criteria like weather or internal problems such as the age or condition of a ship and its equipment, when considering its capacity on any voyage. Nobody, therefore, should expect that ships diverting around the Cape during the present “emergency” will be more lightly laden. It is a factor of the passing years, but this writer can recall concerned articles being written about the wisdom of loading containers on deck more than two high in the winter, North Atlantic.

What’s that you said?

Over many years, there have been endless arguments about whether the facility of VHF is an unalloyed benefit, or a menace, to collision avoidance. If you are going to announce your intentions in such a fashion to a ship you are encountering, it is important that the other party understands what you are on about. Repetition of statements and confirmation of mutual understanding are essential, as a very expensive head-on collision in the Mississippi surely underlines. In the resultant NTSB report, it appears the exchange between the two towboat captains was so economic with their words, that one of them simply forgot what the other had told him about which side he intended to pass. Probably, he won’t make that mistake again.

Michael Grey is former editor of Lloyd’s List

2. Draught technology

A maritime technology company based in Aberdeen has been awarded funding from Scottish Enterprise to support the development of an app-based version of its breakthrough draught survey technology.

Tymor Marine’s DRFT MRKS software uses artificial intelligence with deep learning applied to video capture to provide an accurate measurement of the weight and load of a vessel.

Accurate draught readings are essential for ensuring a vessel’s stability – determining how much cargo it is carrying and what depths it can safely navigate.

The grant funding from Scottish Enterprise will allow Tymor’s team to build on the operational capabilities of the DRFT MRKS software, refining the technology into a highly portable and commercially viable mobile phone app without the need for cloud-based processing.

Since the time of Archimedes, mariners have conducted draught surveys – a means of determining the weight of a vessel and its cargo – by eye, but environmental variables and human error make it an inexact science.

A misreading of the draught by just a centimetre could result in legal claims for apparent – but illusory – shortages of cargo.

Reading draught marks also comes with inherent health and safety risks for the mariners who conduct the survey. It requires getting close to the hull of a vessel or the underside of a floating structure, usually in a small boat.

Tymor Marine originally developed DRFT MRKS to help its in-house naval services team overcome the inherent challenges of conducting draught surveys. The firm was later supported by Scotland’s innovation centre CENSIS and the University of Edinburgh to optimise the deep learning functionality of the software.

Using cutting edge AI capability, the breakthrough DRFT MRKS tech helps to mitigate human error and challenging factors such as faded or rusted markings, poor lighting, marine growth, bad weather, and the swell of the waves. The video capture can be collected at a safer distance from the vessel, either by a mariner using a handheld device on a boat, or by drone.


3. Electronic bills of lading: IG website statement

In an online advisory P&I club NorthStandard says in September 2023 it  welcomed the Electronic Trade Documents Act, giving legal recognition in English law to electronic trade documents, including electronic bills of lading. This significant legislative development, followed soon after the adoption by Singapore of similar legislation, in the form of the Singapore Electronic Transactions (Amendment) Act 2021.

Club Rules provide that liabilities arising in respect of the carriage of cargo under paperless trading systems are covered, provided that the system has first been approved by the  Group. Since 20 February 2010, in the absence of legal recognition of electronic bills of lading, the Group has approved eleven electronic systems.

The Group previously advised that, following the recent legislative developments, it would review its approach to approval of paperless trading systems.

The International Group has now adopted a streamlined approach to approval for systems that are limited to the use of e-bills subject to laws that recognise their validity as equivalent to paper bills. However, given that the majority of jurisdictions are yet to adopt similar legislation, for all other systems the existing approval process will continue to apply until further notice.

For further details of the Group’s approval process see here ‘frequently asked questions’ document. This is intended as guidance only.

War risks

The former Standard War Class and North of England Class 3 have merged to become NorthStandard War Risks Class. Cover remains unchanged, and further details are set out in this “Circular”.

As advised by Circular 2024/001 dated 17 January 2024, the Rules of the former Standard War Class and North of England Class 3 have been changed.

These will be incorporated into the Rules of NorthStandard War Risks Class for 2024/25, available here.

4. Safety campaign

Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha  (“K” LINE) launched its annual safety campaign during this winter season, and has been focusing on the themes, the importance of fire prevention and early response to fires and injury prevention, by sharing information both at sea and onshore with the aim of further promoting and enhancing safety awareness. So far, approximately 180 vessels and around 3,200 participants have taken part in the campaign (including approximately 300 onshore staff).

As COVID-19 measures have been lifted, ships have been visited, with face-to-face meetings on board with ships’ crews.

By exchanging information with ship captains and crews who are continuing to operate safely and protect the environment on the front lines, the company was able to reconfirm the importance of the common goal to ensure safe operations.


5. Greenhouse gas reduction

KR has awarded a third-party verification certificate for a Greenhouse Gas Reduction Calculation Methodology developed by HMM, South Korea’s largest shipping company. The methodology is based on the Renewable Energy Directive Ⅱ, a regulatory framework adopted by the EU to promote the use of renewable energy to all member states.

Last year, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) set a goal of achieving net zero carbon emissions in international shipping by 2050. Discussions on the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology for marine fuel oil are underway, accelerating the movement towards carbon neutrality.

The greenhouse gas reduction methodology verified by KR involves calculating the amount of reduced greenhouse gases based on the fuel’s life cycle emissions (WtW, Well-to-Wake), which includes WtT (Well-to-Tank) and TtW (Tank-to-Wake) emissions. HMM uses this verified methodology in their ‘Green Sailing Service’. This service aims to help shippers and stakeholders reduce Scope 3 carbon emissions, by allowing them to report carbon reductions directly resulting from HMM vessels sailing on low-carbon fuels.

In response to current regulatory changes, shipping companies are diligently searching for suitable alternative fuels and their efficient application. Biofuel, a blend of biodiesel from used cooking oil and standard marine oil, is gaining traction due to its compliance with IMO regulations without necessitating engine modifications.

6.    Block exemption decision

UK freight forwarders have welcomed the news that the UK’s Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) will not recommend to the Secretary of State for Business and Trade that the current Consortia Block Exemption Regulation (CBER) be replaced by a UK equivalent when it expires on 25 April 2024.

The CMA conducted a robust analysis of the deep sea container shipping market, investigating several scenarios, and concluded in November 2023 that the conditions did not warrant the continued existence of a CBER for UK maritime movements – the same view had already been reached by the European Commission.

Second opinions were invited by the CMA, and BIFA did provide some additional information to support its original arguments.  The CMA has now upheld its original decision concluding that self-assessment is the best and most effective way for shipping lines to co-operate.

Steve Parker Director General of the British International Freight Association (BIFA) says: “The decision confirms the provisional recommendation made by the CMA in November 2023 and is a sensible conclusion to the ongoing container market public consultation that has been conducted by the CMA since the start of last year.”

In the recent past, the UK’s main trade association for freight forwarding and logistics companies has said that its members are extremely concerned that practices undertaken by container shipping lines, as well as easements and exemptions provided to them, have been distorting the operations of the free market to the detriment of international trade, businesses and consumers.

“Whilst this regulatory change, if implemented, will not end shipping line consortia and alliances, it will allow greater and ongoing scrutiny of such arrangements; and ensure that the lines will be subject fully to competition law. That will be welcomed by BIFA and its members and we call on the Secretary of State for Business and Trade to uphold the Agency’s decision.

“BIFA, and its members, are not anti-shipping line. Members know that shipping lines are essential parties in the global supply chain and hope that this decision will create a suitable balance between shipping lines as carriers, and its members as customers; leading to the creation of a long term, stable and successful deep sea container market that is in the best interest of all who are engaged in international trade.”

7.  Safety partnership

Ambrey and Inchcape Shipping Services (ISS) have announced a strategic partnership aimed at transforming safety and security in the maritime sector. This collaboration aims  to enhance safety measures and drive improved commercial outcomes for the industry.

Through this partnership, Ambrey and Inchcape will jointly offer a comprehensive range of services via Inchcape’s dedicated Survey & Inspection Department, led by Vice President Chris Greenwood, including Citadel Inspections, Ship Security Assessments, Anti-Piracy Ship Security Assessments, Ship Security Plan Reviews, and Port Security Assessments on various projects worldwide. This synergy will enable the maritime industry to bolster safety protocols, enhance operational efficiency, and address potential risks.

This strategic partnership allows Inchcape to harness Ambrey’s extensive and reputable expertise in safety and security services, complementing Inchcape’s global network, data intelligence, and experience in port agency, marine, and survey services. By leveraging each other’s strengths, Inchcape and Ambrey say they will pave the way for unparalleled safety and security solutions across the maritime sector.

8. Supply chain safety

Future sustainability of the sometimes fragile global supply chain must revolve around a fundamental safety culture throughout all operators and organisations involved, determines international freight and cargo handling insurer TT Club.

“The importance of culture within an organisation, particularly where safety is concerned cannot be underestimated,” says TT’s Logistics Risk Manager Josh Finch.  “Safety is everybody’s responsibility and everybody has a voice in safety matters.  A strong safety culture will positively impact safety performance.”

In an increasingly risk intense global supply environment, a greater emphasis on safety will help avoid critical incidents such as fire, cargo damage and vessel loss, which further exacerbate shortages, congestion and human suffering. This message pervades the loss prevention work of TT and is exemplified in a wide variety of studies and reports published in the insurer’s latest review of current and on-going risk trends – A Year in Focus*.

TT’s view of an pervasive safety culture is represented by a number of contributions in this publication.  Analysis of its own claims data and detailed research into a range of risks across the supply chain results in reports on and advisable actions to mitigate invasive pest in freight containers and increased cyber security risk as ports automate; increased customs documentation errors and clandestine immigration threats; help from drone technology and the dangers of plastic micro pellet spillages.  Attention to a broad spectrum of hazards is essential in developing the all-important safety culture.

“TT has recently witnessed a renewed focus and commitment towards loss prevention activities, with additional emphasis placed on the Club’s mission statement to make the industry safer, more secure and more sustainable,” comments Loss Prevention Managing Director Mike Yarwood.  “Greater safety goes hand-in-hand with enhanced security and consequently sustainability. TT’s mutual ethos demands that we guide those we insure – and indeed the wider industry – in all aspects of risk through the container transport and global logistics supply chain. Via our latest Year in Focus we aim to add to the large cannon of knowledge and guidance.”

*Available HERE for free download

9. Pollution measures

A deal has been reached by the EU parliament and council negotiators to extend a ban on oil spill discharges to ensure  More types of pollution from ships will be fined,  a quarter of alerts on oil spills or similar pollution to be verified and effective and dissuasive fines will be implemented.

The Parliament and Council reached an informal deal to extend an existing ban on discharge of oil spills by ships to include sewage and garbage.
Preliminary agreement was reached to update EU rules on preventing pollution from ships in European seas and ensuring perpetrators face fines. The current list of substances banned from being discharged from ships, such as oil and noxious liquid substances, will now include the discharge of sewage, garbage, and residues from scrubbers.

Rules will also be reviewed five years after they are transposed into  national law  to assess if marine plastic litter, loss of containers and plastic pellet spills from ships should also face penalties.

MEPs ensured EU countries and the Commission will communicate more on pollution incidents, best practices to tackle pollution, and follow-up measures, following alerts by the European satellite system for oil spill and vessel detection, CleanSeaNet. To prevent illegal discharge from dispersing and therefore becoming undetectable, the agreed text foresees the digital check of all high confidence CleanSeaNet alerts and an aim to verify at least 25% of them by the competent national authorities.

EU countries will need to introduce effective and dissuasive fines for ships breaching these rules, while criminal sanctions were addressed in separate legislation MEPs already agreed with EU governments last November. According to preliminary deal, EU countries shall not set penalties at such a low level that would fail to ensure its dissuasive nature.

European Parliament rapporteur Marian-Jean Marinescu (EPP, Romania) said: “Ensuring the health of our seas demands not just legislation, but robust enforcement. Member states must not falter in their duty to safeguard our marine environment. We need a concentrated effort, utilising advanced technologies like satellite monitoring and on-site inspections, to stamp out illegal discharges effectively. Penalties must reflect the seriousness of these offenses, acting as a true deterrent. Our commitment is clear: cleaner seas, stricter accountability, and a sustainable maritime future for all.”

The deal needs to be approved by the EU Council and Parliament before EU countries have to transpose the rules into national law.

10. Near misses

CHIRP recently produced its annual digest into near misses and accidents involving ships see

In its introduction the question is asked what it is that makes near misses and reporting so effective for safety? The report says humans learn best through direct participation, increased engagement, creative thinking and real problem solving, i.e. collective, active learning. Learning from mistakes and interventions through sharing stories and experiences make it easier to absorb complex material and remember it for the future.

The best way to learn a lesson permanently is to experience a terrible outcome that spurns actions to ensure it does not happen again, the introduction says. The ultimate objective of those types of experiences is a greater appreciation and awareness for executing tasks safely. P&I clubs    take a particular interest in encouraging near miss reporting mainly for the benefits of identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks in order to prevent loss and support seafarers’ safe return to their loved ones ashore.

Near miss reporting is an opportunity to learn from real incidents, without the devastating consequences of tragic and costly claims. Traditionally defined as “a narrowly avoided incident, damage, or close call,” near misses are a much more acceptable outcome to a real accident. CHIRP Maritime provides a mechanism for reporting hazardous situations, near misses, and incidents that can be assessed and analyzed, and recommendations disseminated for the greater good of mariner safety. All maritime stakeholders benefit from such assessments and recommendations but most importantly, seafarers and their families are the ultimate beneficiaries.


11.  Scrapping statistics

Ship recycling has remained unimpressive recently, Hellenic Shipping News has reported. In its weekly report, Best Oasis (, one of the world’s leading cash buyer of ships, said that “the ship recycling sectors across India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Turkey are experiencing varying degrees of market stagnation and operational challenges. In Alang, India, the market remains stagnant with a continuous low demand for scrap vessels, a trend that has persisted over recent weeks. Bangladesh’s market is facing a decline, leading buyers to adopt a cautious wait-and-see approach. This cautiousness is further compounded by a non-supportive banking sector, influenced by a dollar liquidity crisis, which has led to selective approval of LCs and challenges in vessel acquisition due to banks’ delayed approval processes. In Pakistan, market conditions have not seen any shifts, maintaining the status quo from the previous week.

BIMCO, in collaboration with national representatives from Bangladesh, India, Norway, Pakistan, and the International Chamber of Shipping, has formally submitted a paper emphasizing the need to address potential conflicts between the Hong Kong Convention and the Basel Convention. This submission, aimed at the upcoming 81st session of the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) scheduled for March 18-22, 2024, seeks to pre-emptively mitigate adverse implications for shipowners, recycling facilities, and maritime vessels, thereby ensuring regulatory harmony and operational efficiency within the international shipping industry”, Best Oasis concluded.

In a separate report, Clarkson Platou Hellas commented that, “there certainly appears to be a lack of activity and little motivation as the lacklustre market continues. India remains on the sidelines with further reduction in rates being reported this week, however both recyclers in Bangladesh and Pakistan look to be pushing hard to come out of their previous doldrums and actively look to acquire tonnage, however the lack of available units is not satisfying their demands.

12. Fire fighting

A new EU project OVERHEAT has been launched to prevent and fight fires on container ships The project  aims to improve safety and efficiency in the maritime transport industry through innovative strategies and solutions.

Container ships play a crucial role in global trade, transporting about 90% of globally traded goods by volume and value.  Fires on board container ships pose a serious threat as they can cause hazards to the crew, as well as cargo and environmental damage.

The maritime transport industry is therefore faced with the central challenge of fighting and preventing fires on container ships. Recognising the central role of maritime transport in global trade, the EU-funded research project ‘OVERHEAT- INNOVATIVE STRATEGIES FOR CONTAINERSHIP FIRES PREVENTION AND MANAGEMENT’ was launched to further develop the prevention and management of fires on container ships using modern technologies.

The project will bring together a wide range of stakeholders, including shipping companies, port authorities, public authorities, policy makers, business associations and academic participants. Its main objective is to promote the knowledge and technologies to prevent and manage fires on container ships.

The OVERHEAT project will focus on the development of a digital solution (DS) that provides a comprehensive overview of the situation on board and around the ship. The integration of Internet of Things (IoT) sensors and unmanned aerial systems (UAS) establishes a system for fire prevention, early detection and rapid response.

The Institute of Shipping Economics is part of the consortium and will focus on the analysis of existing prevention systems and measures, the requirement profiles of the various parties involved in the fight and prevention of fires on container ships, and the review of the project results.

13. Emissions liabilities

Asian shipowners with vessels sailing to and from Europe are likely to face estimated emissions liabilities of over €1 billion once the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) is fully implemented, with companies registered in China and Singapore bearing the highest burden, according to OceanScore.

The Hamburg-based maritime technology firm has calculated that Asia-based Document of Compliance (DoC) holders will ultimately have to surrender a total of between 15-16 million EU Allowances (EUAs), or carbon credits, for voyages to and from the EU that are liable for 50% of emissions, while port calls and transits within the EU are liable for 100% of their emissions.

OceanScore estimates EU ETS costs for Asian owners of around €500 million this year when they will be liable for 40% of their emissions, rising to 70% in 2025 and 100% in 2026 under the three-year phase-in of the regulation.

The EU ETS, implemented from 1 January 2024, will affect around 4000 Asian-flagged vessels, or about one-third of the total 12,500 cargo and passenger ships above 5000gt that are currently subject to the EU ETS, according to the company.

These are owned or operated by 400 DoC holders, including major players like China’s COSCO, Hong Kong-based Anglo Eastern Ship Management and South Korean HMM, with around half of affected vessels operated by non-EU DoC holders.

The total €1 billion cost estimate for Asian shipping, based on the expected volume of EUAs set to be surrendered by regional DoC holders from 2026, is contingent on the volatile carbon price that is currently at a relatively low level of around €55 per tonne of CO2 after fluctuating between €80-100 last year.

The carbon price is dictated by supply and demand for EUAs, with the volume of allowances available for trading set to be gradually reduced over time under the cap-and-trade system to incentivise investments in measures to cut ship emissions.

OceanScore’s co-Managing Director Albrecht Grell says a total of nearly 80 million EUAs will have to be surrendered by the shipping industry once the EU ETS is fully phased in, of which 40% will come from non-EU companies, also including the UK, Norway and Turkey.

OceanScore forecasts that, at full phase-in, around 5.5 million EUAs will have to be surrendered by Chinese and Hong Kong-based entities and 5.4 million by Singaporean players, with the remainder coming from Japan (1.6 million), South Korea (1.2 million) and India (1.1 million). When other Asian countries such as Thailand and Malaysia are included, the total number of EUAs required rises to 20 million.

In a breakdown of costs exposure for individual companies, OceanScore has calculated that a company with 15 vessels would be required to surrender just over 300,000 EUAs, which would equate to a cost of €16.5 million based on the current carbon price.

Voyages into and out of Europe account for around 59% of emissions covered by the EU ETS, versus 41% for voyages and port calls within Europe, but will still have a lower cost burden than domestic European traffic due to the 50% liability factor.

Long-haul voyages into the EU can be broken up by stopping at transshipment ports to reduce emissions exposure, but Grell says “we don’t see many people seriously discussing this” due to the negative impact on fuel costs, waiting times, additional sailing distance and other inefficiencies.

Asian players represent around 25% of the overall 1700 DoC holders that now must relate to the regulation, which is in particular focusing the minds of European owners with an EU-centric deployment pattern for their vessels.

“Consequently, we see that European owners generally have started to prepare earlier for compliance with the EU ETS as it is closer to home and is therefore perceived as having a more tangible financial impact on their operations,” Grell says.

“It is also typically easier for companies domiciled in the EU to set up Union Registry accounts required for handling EUAs, as well as gain access to trading platforms, which is more difficult for those based in non-EU countries given sometimes quite complex Know Your Customer (KYC) processes.”

As well as these administrative obstacles, he claims non-EU players have been put at a disadvantage by having to play catch up with the late finalization of Implementation Acts by the EU to avoid being wrongfooted when having to collect and later surrender EUAs. Among these measures, the shipowner has been assigned responsibility for reporting emissions and surrendering EUAs, though it can be transferred to the technical manager if an agreement along these lines is in place.

OceanScore is now assisting both EU and non-EU-based shipping companies in setting up administrative systems to navigate the complexity of the EU ETS, predicated on its web-based ETS Manager that provides an end-to-end solution to support management and trading of EUAs.

This efficiently runs the process of allocating, requesting and collecting EUA from charterers based on different charter parties, with full transparency on all related data flows. Furthermore, ETS Manager monitors Union Registry accounts for EUAs and minimizes risks with open EUA positions by identifying missing allowances that need to be collected.

“It is vitally important that non-EU actors engaged in trading vessels to and from the EU also become fully up to speed with the regulation and put systems in place to manage and mitigate their EUA liabilities,” Grell says.

“This requires a stepwise approach by opening Union Registry accounts, amending the Shipman management agreement, incorporating relevant EU ETS clauses like those from Bimco in the charter party and securing access to EUAs. And, not least, finding a trustworthy and reliable partner with the necessary expertise to digitalize the various processes efficiently, as doing this in-house can be risky, laborious and expensive.”

Notices & Miscellany

Engine room procedures

ICS says that ebooks of the new edition of the Engine Room Procedures Guide can now be purchased through your preferred platform, ahead of the official release of print copies at the end of this month.  The guide provides authoritative and comprehensive guidance on engine room procedures, to ensure that ships’ engine rooms are operated and managed safely while protecting the environment.

Key features in the second edition:


Updated Content: The new edition embraces internationally agreed regulations of the IMO, ensuring that engine room crew have access to current and reliable procedures that support greenhouse gas emissions measures, such as how to safely conduct low load operations.

Expanded Coverage: The guide covers a wide array of engine room procedures, from routine maintenance to emergency response protocols, providing a comprehensive reference for crew members. The guide includes crucial new procedures on handling alternative fuels such as liquefied natural gas, and highlights the latest common engine room deficiencies to help crew prepare for port state control inspections.

Enhanced Safety Measures: Safety is a top priority in the maritime industry, and this edition emphasises safety procedures to ensure the well-being of all crew members and the environment. It includes updated and consolidated enclosed space entry procedures that align with latest industry best practice.

User-Friendly Design: The guide is designed for ease of use, with a clear layout and navigational features that make finding the right information quick and straightforward.

This new edition is priced at ÂŁ180 and is available in print and ebook. Find out more from ICS Publications. See below for more details on the exclusive bookseller discounts available.


Capital projects director

Associated British Ports (ABP), the UK’s leading port operator, has announced the creation of a new role of Capital Projects Director to strengthen focus on growth and delivery of its ambitious pipeline of strategic developments. ABP has appointed Francis Paonessa as its first Capital Projects Director.
Reflecting the importance of the new role it will be part of the senior Executive Team and report directly to Henrik L. Pedersen, ABP’s CEO. The role will also assume responsibility for the corporate Engineering function, allowing the Capital Projects Director to have an end-to-end focus on engineering strategy and assurance.

Please notify the Editor of your appointments, promotions, new office openings and other important happenings:

And finally,

(With thanks to Paul Dixon)

New laws

Law of Mechanical Repair: After your hands become coated with grease, your nose will begin to itch.

Law of the Workshop: Any tool, when dropped, will roll to the least accessible corner.

Law of the Telephone: When you dial a wrong number, you never get an engaged one.

Law of the Alibi: If you tell the boss you were late for work because you had a flat tire, the next morning you will have a flat tire.

Variation Law: If you change queues, the one you have left will start to move faster than the one you are in now.

Bath THEOREM When the body is immersed in water, the telephone rings.

LAW of the RESULT When you try to prove to someone that a machine won’t work, it will.

LAW OF BIOMECHANICS The severity of the itch is inversely proportional to the reach.

THEATRE RULE At any event, the people whose seats are furthest from the aisle arrive

LAW OF COFFEE As soon as you sit down to a cup of hot coffee, your boss will ask you to do something which will last until the coffee is cold.

Thanks for Reading the Maritime Advocate online

Maritime Advocate Online is a fortnightly digest of news and views on the maritime industries, with particular reference to legal issues and dispute resolution. It is published to over 20,000 individual subscribers each week and republished within firms and organisations all over the maritime world. It is the largest publication of its kind. We estimate it goes to around 60,000 readers in over 120 countries.