The Maritime Advocate-Issue 671



1. Consolidation in Japan Box Trades
2. Hanjin Guidance
3. List of Treaty Ratifications
4. Markel Acquires Galleon
5. NYPE 2015 Roadshow
6. People and Places

The Maritime Advocate–A Growing Concern

This publication, nicknamed "the Avo" passed
a milestone this summer. It has passed the 20 000 subscriber mark, the
highest total since its foundation in 2001. As a result of hand-ons
and internal republications within firms, it is fair to assume a total
readership of around 60 000 located in 120 countries. This gives the
Avo a very wide footprint in the maritime world. If you have a message
or product to promote or circulate, the Avo can promise to get the word
out at affordable rates. Give us a try.


1. Consolidation in Japan Box Trades

This is how Sam Chambers over at Splash 24/7 reported the news:-

Meanwhile our friends at VesselsValue.Com via Claudia Norrgren report:-

Earlier this morning the three Japanese container liners announced
a new joint venture container company, including container vessels as
well as non-Japanese container port interests. These services are to
start from 1st July 2017.

Please read the full release here:

These three companies own:

Number of Vessels
Total TEU
Total Value $M

NYK Line


K Line

Here at VesselsValue, we provide non-chartered in fleet values –
this means we provide data on what assets these companies own and do
not include what they are renting (chartering) in from other owners.

New top 5 ranking of container fleets

Aside from Moller Maersk, who has taken back the top spot after the
China Cosco Shipping Corp merger, spots 2-5 are now taken up by container
companies who have merged or bought out other companies.

Number of Vessels
Total TEU
Total Value $M

Moller Maersk AS

China Cosco Shipping Corp



Hapag Lloyd & UASC

The top 3 alliances now own 45% of the entire world container fleet,
showing a huge appetite from the largest container companies to merge.


2. Hanjin Guidance

Barrister Gavin Magrath has written a guest blog for CIFFA, the Canadian
Forwarders’ Association giving sensible guidance to those affected by
the collapse of Hanjin. Well worth a read:-

._____________________________________________________________________________________…………………….+44 (0)20
3326 4514

3. List of Treaty Ratifications

As followers of the thoughts and doctrines of Professor Tufte, who
writes and illustrates learnedly on the design and presentation of data,
we were impressed how the Japan P&I Club has squeezed a lot of information
on a few pages. Work like this needs more emulation in our era of information

Take a look here:-


4. Markel Acquires Galleon

Word reaches us that Markel Internationa has acquired Galleon, the
London based MGA that specialises in marine professional indemnity and
cargo liability business.

Founded in 2010, Galleon underwrites on Lloyd’s paper as an approved
coverholder. Its client base consists of ship managers, surveyors, consultants,
freight forwarders, logistics providers and other similar businesses.
The business will become part of Markel’s marine, energy and property
division headed by divisional managing director Paul Jenks. The acquisition
will mark Markel’s entry into the specialist marine professional
indemnity market. Paul Jenks commented: “We have known and supported
the Galleon team since the business was foundedand have had relationships
with its principals going back 20 to 30 years.

[We too have known the people there as colleagues, competitors and
latterly as clients. We wish them well in their new incarnation and
hope the new home brings all good things–ed]


5. NYPE 2015 Roadshow

The Association of Ship Brokers & Agents (USA) Inc. are presenting:

November 10, 2017 @ 4 PM
Hilton Stamford Hotel
1 First Stamford Place, Stamford, CT 06902
Duration approximately 2 hours
followed by networking reception

FREE – RSVP Required to no later than Nov. 7

ASBA will host a seminar on the new NYPE 2015 with members of the NYPE
2015 drafting team from ASBA, BIMCO and the SMF providing their views
on the key clauses and benefits to users of adopting the new time charter.
You will also be able to put questions to the panel questions and voice
your opinions about the new NYPE.

The New York Produce Exchange Form (NYPE) is the standard form of time
charter party most widely used in the dry cargo sector of the industry.
A newly revised edition was launched on October 15, 2015, the first
update since 1993. The 1946 edition is arguably still the most commonly
used version of the NYPE charter, although many of its twenty-eight
clauses are commonly amended or replaced with numerous rider clauses.
NYPE 2015 offers a new and comprehensive alternative that includes many
of the additional clauses commonly added by users.

NYPE 2015 – key facts:
· Produced with the help of owners and charterers – so it reflects
their interests.
· Jointly developed and authored by BIMCO, the Association of
Shipbrokers and Agents (ASBA), and the Singapore Maritime Foundation
· Can be used either for trip charters or period time charters
– a global approach.
· Modern and comprehensive dry cargo charter party – reflecting
contemporary commercial practice and legal developments that have taken
place in the past twenty years.
· It includes the most commonly applied amendments and additional

The speakers:
Mr. Paul Hirtle, LB Chartering LLC
Mr. Nigel Hawkins, N.W. Johnsen & Co., Inc.

Mrs. Inga Froysa, General Counsel, Torvald Klaveness, Oslo
Mr. John Freydag, Managing Director, Container & Bulk Chartering

Bernhard Schulte GmbH & Co KG, Hamburg
Mr. Jonathan Young, formerly – Manager, Ocean Transportation Claims
Department at Cargill International SA, Geneva
Mr. Grant Hunter, Chief Officer Legal and Contractual Affairs, BIMCO

Mr. Henry Mytton-Mills, Managing Director, Aries Shipbroking (Asia)
Pte Ltd, Singapore

Contact: RSVP no later than 07 November:-


6. People and Places

Peter Jackson has been elected as the first Chief Executive Officer
of Hill Dickinson. David Wareing take up the role of Chairman.

Peter Jackson was previously the firm’s Managing Partner and under
his stewardship the firm has enjoyed a period of significant growth
both within the UK and internationally. During his 10 years in office,
Jackson guided the firm through the acquisitions of shipping specialists
Hill Taylor Dickinson, the commodities practice of Middleton Potts,
the Liverpool and Sheffield offices of Halliwells as well as the Sheffield
insurance practice of DLA Piper and most recently the commercial and
wealth management practice of Matthew Arnold and Baldwin. At the same
time the firm has extended its international presence establishing operations
in Hong Kong, Singapore, Athens and Monaco.

In addition to the creation of the CEO and Chairman roles, Hill Dickinson
has announced that it is now seeking to recruit its first COO who will
be responsible for all operational aspects of the business and will
head up the firm’s overall support functions. It is anticipated
that an appointment will be made shortly.


The Nautical Institute has selected a new Chief Executive Officer after
interviewing a competitive shortlist of six candidates. Captain John
Lloyd MBA AFNI, currently the Institute’s Chief Operating Officer, will
take over from Philip Wake OBE RD* MSc FNI, who is retiring in May 2017
after 14 years in post.

John took up the COO post in November 2015 in which he has had overall
responsibility for the Institute’s specialised training services, including
the industry-standard Dynamic Positioning Operator (DPO) accreditation
and certification scheme.

His 16-year seagoing career began in 1975, gaining command in 1987
and spending two years as a marine pilot at Walvis Bay. His extensive
experience in maritime education has included senior positions at Warsash
Maritime Academy and Flagship Training in the UK, CEO of Vanuatu Maritime
College and Professor of Maritime Training at the Australian Maritime
College in Tasmania.
As Chief Executive of The Nautical Institute, John will be managing
the resources of an organisation that has 7,000 members and over 50
branches around the world. He has been a member of the Institute for
30 years.


Intellian has appointed industry veteran Edward Joannides to take the
helm of its Americas business unit as General Manager. Joannides’
experience in both the maritime and satellite communications industries
spans over 25 years. This includes time at sea as a Chief Officer working
for CMA CGM, and senior shore-based posts including Fleet Manager for
Northern Navigation, Director of Strategy & Business Development
at Inmarsat and most recently Program Manager for SATCOM Services at
Northrup Grumman.


BIMCO has unveiled its new corporate identity and website – following
research and testing within its global membership.


From the Avo Archive

The website of this newsletter contains all the editorial material
since the inception of the Maritime Advocate as a print based quarterly
in 1997 under the founding aegis of John Guy, Chris Hewer and Manfred
Arnold. Readers can go to the site and search the database on the home
page in its entirety. If you are looking for an old case, an old controversy
or you would just like to see how many times you and your firm have
featured in our annals feel free to access the archive. It is like this
e-zine, free to Readers and we always appreciate the support of advertisers
and sponsors.

Searching for visionaries, we turned up this amusing list which has
defied the years, dating back to Issue 495 of September 15th 2011:-

Famous last (and not-so-last) words.

1. "Computers, in the future, may weigh no more than 1.5 tons."
–Popular Mechanics, forecasting the relentless march of science, 1949.

2. "I think there is a world market for, maybe, five computers."
–Thomas Watson, chairman of IBM, 1943.

3. "I have traveled the length and breadth of this country, and
talked with the best people, and I can assure you that data processing
is a fad that won’t last out the year." –The editor in charge
of business books for Prentice Hall, 1957.

4. "But what …is it good for?" –Engineer at the Advanced
Computing Systems Division of IBM, 1968, commenting on the microchip.

5. "There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home."
–Ken Olson, president, chairman and founder of Digital Equipment Corp.,

6. "This ‘telephone’ has too many shortcomings to be seriously
considered as a means of communication. The device is, inherently, of
no value." –Western Union internal memo, 1876.

7. "The wireless music box has no imaginable commercial value.
Who would pay for a message sent to nobody in particular?" –David
Sarnoff’s associates in response to his urgings for investment in the
radio in the 1920s.

8. "The concept is interesting and well-formed. But, in order
to earn better than a ‘C,’ the idea must be feasible." –A Yale
Univ. management professor in response to Fred Smith’s paper proposing
reliable overnight delivery service. (Smith went on to found Federal
Express Corp.)

9. "Who wants to hear actors talk?" –H.M. Warner, Warner
Brothers, 1927

10. "I’m just glad it will be Clark Gable who is falling on his
face and not Gary Cooper." — Gary Cooper on his decision not to
take the leading role in Gone With The Wind.

11. "A cookie store is a bad idea. Besides, the market research
reports say America likes crispy cookies, not soft and chewy cookies
like you make." –Response to Debbi Fields’ idea of starting Mrs.
Fields’ Cookies.

12. "We don’t like their sound and guitar music is on the way
out." –Decca Recording Co. rejecting the Beatles, 1962.

14. "Stocks have reached what looks like a permanently high plateau."
–Irving Fisher, Professor of Economics, Yale University, 1929.

15. "Airplanes are interesting toys, but of no military value."
–Marechal Ferdinand Foch, Professor of Strategy, Ecole Superieure de


News from a Small Place

A golfer from Ireland hit a bad hook into the woods. Looking for the
ball, he discovered a Leprechaun flat on his back, a big bump on his
head, and the golfer’s ball beside him. Horrified, the golfer took his
water bottle from his belt and poured it over the little guy, reviving
him. "Arrgh! What happen?" the leprechaun says. "Oh,
I see ye got me fair and square. Ye get three wishes. Whaddya want?"

"Thank God, you’re all right!" the golfer answers in relief.
"I don’t want anything. I’m glad you’re okay, and I apologize.
I didn’t mean to hit you." And the golfer walks off. "What
a nice guy," the leprechaun says to himself. "But it was fair
and square that he got me, and I have to do something for him. I’ll
give him three things I would want… a great golf game, all the money
he ever needs, and a fantastic sex life."

A year goes by and the golfer is back, hits another bad ball into the
woods and finds the leprechaun waiting for him. "’Twas me that
made ye hit the ball here," the little guy says. "I wanted
to ask ye, how’s yer golf game?"

"That’s the first bad ball I’ve hit in a year! I’m a famous international
golfer now," the golfer answers. "By the way, it sure is good
to see you’re all right."

"Oh, I’m fine now, thankee. I did that fer yer golf game. And
tell me, how’s yer money?"

"Why, I win fortunes in golf. But, if I need cash, I just reach
in my pocket and pull out $100 bills all day long."

"I did that fer ye. And how’s yer sex life?"

The golfer blushes, turns his head away in embarrassment, and says
shyly,"Errr, all right, I suppose."

"C’mon, c’mon now. I’m wanting to know if I did a good job. How
many times a day?"

Blushing even more, the golfer whispers, "Once…sometimes twice
a week."

"What!" says the leprechaun in shock. "! That’s all?
Once or twice a week?"

"Well," says the golfer, "I figure that’s not too bad
for a Catholic priest in a small parish."

[Paul Dixon]


Medals of Dubious Distinction

These achievements appear courtesy of the British Sunday Express:-

To John Bloor, who mistook a tube of superglue for his hemorrhoid cream
and glued his buttocks together.

To Henry Smith, arrested moments after returning home with a stolen
stereo. His error was having tattooed on his forehead in large capital
letters the words "Henry Smith." His lawyer told the court:
"My client is not a very bright young man."

To Michael Robinson, who rang police to deliver a bomb threat, but
became so agitated about the mounting cost of the call that he began
screaming "Call me back!" and left his phone number.

To Paul Monkton, who used as his getaway vehicle a van with his name
and phone number painted in foot-high letters on the side.

To Julia Carson, who as her tearful family gathered ’round her coffin
in a New York funeral parlor, sat bolt upright and asked what the hell
was going on. Celebrations were short-lived, due to the fact that Mrs.
Carson’s daughter, Julie, immediately dropped dead from shock.

To poacher Marino Malerba, who shot a stag standing above him on an
overhanging rock — and was killed instantly when it fell on him.

To the passengers on a jam-packed train from Margate to Victoria, who
averted their eyes while John Henderson and Zoe D’Arcy engaged in oral
sex and then moved on to inter- course … but complained when the pair
lit up post-coital cigarettes in a nonsmoking compartment. ___________________________________________________________________________________

Thanks for Reading the Maritime Advocate online

Maritime Advocate Online is a weekly digest of news and views on the
maritime industries, with particular reference to legal issues and dispute
resolution. It is published to over 20 000 individual subscribers each
week and republished within firms and organisations all over the maritime
world. It is the largest publication of its kind. We estimate it goes
to around 60 000 Readers in over 120 countries.

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